Maryland’s Clean Energy Summit – October 4th, 2010 – Hilton Inner Harbor
George Ashton, Vice President and CFO of Sol Systems, the largest SREC aggregator and a leader in solar finance, will be speaking at this year’s Clean Energy Summit in Baltimore, MD. The summit will bring federal and state policy leaders together in a public forum to discuss the future of renewable energy in Maryland and the effects local policies will have on the proliferation of residential and commercial renewable energy systems.
Mr. Ashton will speak as a member of a panel discussing the future of renewable generation. One of the most critical components to solar energy projects are the monetization and sale of solar renewable energy credits (SRECs). In fact, the income secured by solar system owners from the sale of SRECs is usually greater than the actual electricity savings. Mr. Ashton will discuss the future of regional SREC markets and their ability to support growth within the state of Maryland and in the region as a whole.
Other panels include: “Discovery Drives Change”, “Forecasting the Climate for Finance”, “Transportation”, “Renewable Generation”, “Alternative Fuels & Biomass”, and “Energy Management & Built Environment”.
Invited Guests include: Congressmen John Sarbanes, Governor Martin O’Malley, and Cathy Zoi, US Department of Energy Asst. Secretary for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
For more information on the conference, please go to: